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Laboratory tests


Laboratory tests

The physicochemical and microbiological testing laboratory of “Narek” scientific research CJSC has adopted a policy of continuous development and progress, improved its experimental base, and expanded the list of provided services.

The laboratory is equipped with the latest equipment and measuring tools, thanks to which it operates in accordance with international standards, carrying out tests to determine both safety and quality indicators of food and non-food products, as well as combined feed. The tests are performed in accordance with the requirements of the normative documents of the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union.

The laboratory employs testing specialists whose competence is certified by internationally defined standards: participation in PTs, witness audits, practical tasks and other assessments.

The laboratory regularly participates in interlaboratory comparative tests and reports positive results.

Microbiological testing department carries out tests for the detection of pathogenic microbes in food using classical and accelerated methods, qualitative and quantitative detection of GMOs, which contribute to the implementation of proper control over food and raw materials, ensuring the most efficient service to business owners.

Microbiological indicators of food and non-food products include the following groups:

  • Sanitary-indicative bacteria, which include mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria (MAFAM), bacteria of the group of intestinal bacteria: coliforms, Enterobacteriaceae family of bacteria, enterococci.
  • Conditionally pathogenic bacteria: Е. coli (intestinal bacterium), S. aureus (golden staph), Proteus, В.Cereus group, Sulfate-reducing bacteria, Vibrio parahaemolyticus
  • pathogenic bacteria, including Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes;
  • Yersinia and other pathogenic bacteria, according to the epidemic situation in the food production area,
  • Spoilage bacteria: yeasts and molds;
  • Fermenting microorganisms and probiotics (lactic acid bacteria, yeast, bifidobacteria, lactobacteria, etc.) at the normalized level of technological microflora in food and probiotic products.

In the department of chemical research, along with classical methods, tests are carried out with liquid, gas chromatography, immunoenzymatic, and atomic emission methods. Being equipped with automated equipment used for testing and sample preparation, the range of tested indicators has been expanded and the duration of a number of tests has been shortened.

The following safety indicators are determined in the laboratory:

  • toxic elements,
  • mycotoxins,
  • hormones,
  • antibiotics and other medicines
  • pesticides,
  • methanol and other volatiles
  • residual amounts of polychlorinated biphenyls and other substances,

The following quality indicators are determined in the laboratory:

  • vitamins,
  • amino acids,
  • micronutrients,
  • organic acids
  • protein, fat, carbohydrates
  • sugars and other quality indicators.


Payment for work on conformity assessment is made on a contractual basis.

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